The Book

This book outlines best and emerging ‘next’ practices in Customer Experience (CX) Engineering that new business capture, keep-sold and campaign teams in the aerospace-defense sector tasked with choosing and delivering winning Customer Value Propositions (CVPs) can leverage to increase their company’s contract win rates, improve their corporation’s program executional excellence and boost employee engagement. To that end it defines, explains, and operationalizes the foundation concepts of CX Engineering first co-developed at Stanford and continuously honed in 30+ years of applications in companies globally, including extensive work by the authors across the aerospace-defense sector.

It provides vivid illustrations of how these concepts, despite their popularity and prevalence in all sorts of industry planning documents, are still widely misunderstood and misused in many aerospace and defense companies. Our observations, as you will read below, come from working with over 200 new business capture, keep sold, and campaign teams over the last two decades alone. These were not ephemeral engagements but ones that sometimes went on for months, and our roles were not just confined to being outside advisors, but in many cases one or more of us acted in senior leadership roles in capture oversight, directly managing teams while being held responsible for their outcomes.